Options for Dental Anxiety
We work hard to keep our office environment warm and welcoming, taking time to connect with patients and make them feel comfortable while in our office. However, we are aware that some patients have such severe dental anxiety, it can be almost impossible to maintain routine dental appointments, even in the most pleasant environments. When a welcoming and warm atmosphere is not enough to halt dental anxiety, we offer a range of sedation dentistry options to help you feel calm and relaxed. Many of our patients present varying levels of fear, and we have a number of options for easing anxiety at our office.
Our new office includes 3 fully functioning operating rooms specifically designed for dental procedures!

A Leader in the Southeast
Sedation in dentistry can mean many different things. For some, it is enough to simply apply a topical anesthetic that numbs the treatment site, allowing the patient to feel comfortable during any procedure. However, if dental anxiety is more severe or if certain medical conditions exist, we provide stronger sedation dentistry options, including nitrous oxide (laughing gas), IV sedation, and general anesthesia. Dr. Randall has years of experience treating patients from throughout the southeastern United States, and has a wide range of skills and knowledge to help make your visit a pleasant experience, even if you feel anxious or scared about going to the dentist.
Along with local anesthetic we use to numb the treatment site, we offer nitrous oxide, or “laughing gas.” Nitrous oxide is a gaseous anesthetic mixed with oxygen and delivered to the patient through a special mask. Patients are still conscious through the entire procedure, but the gas helps them relax, calm the nerves, and feel at ease in the dentist’s chair.
The dentist will determine if you are an appropriate candidate for nitrous oxide
The gas will help put you in a relaxed state during the procedure and can even help a sensitive gag reflex
You will still be awake during the procedure and be aware of your surroundings
The effects of nitrous oxide lift almost immediately after we remove the mask, making it an ideal solution for effectively and safely relieving dental anxiety.
You do not need a driver to bring you to and from the office
Your dentist will prescribe a medication to take approximately 1 hour prior to your appointment
You will need a driver to transport you to and from your appointment
Oral conscious sedation is a technique used to help patients relax during dental procedures. It involves taking a medication by mouth, prescribed by the dentist, that induces a state of calm and reduces anxiety. While you will remain conscious, you will be less aware of the procedure and experience minimal discomfort.
Frequently nitrous oxide can be administered once in the office to achieve further sedation, if necessary
Most people sleep through the procedure and remember very little, if any of it
Your dentist will prescribe a medication to take approximately 1 hour prior to your appointment
You will need a driver to transport you to and from your appointment
Frequently nitrous oxide can be administered once in the office to achieve further sedation, if necessary
Most people sleep through the procedure and remember very little, if any of it
Your dentist will prescribe a medication to take approximately 1 hour prior to your appointment
You will need a driver to transport you to and from your appointment
Frequently nitrous oxide can be administered once in the office to achieve further sedation, if necessary
Most people sleep through the procedure and remember very little, if any of it
For more stimulating procedures or patients with severe dental anxiety or certain medical conditions, we offer IV sedation. These cases are typically performed in our office, and we partner with the appropriate anesthesia providers to deliver IV sedation safely and effectively for the duration of your dental appointment. During procedures that involve IV sedation, the patient remains in a sleepy state, though they are able to respond to commands. Most patients undergoing IV sedation don’t remember what happened during their appointment!
An IV is typically started in the hand or arm in order to administer medications to make you sleepy
The medications can be titrated to achieve the appropriate depth of sedation for the procedure, regardless of the duration.
You will need a driver to transport you home and ensure that you remain comfortable as the sedation medications finish leaving your system
In certain situations, general anesthesia is necessary in order to safely and comfortably treat someone’s dental condition. When this is the case, anesthesia is administered via a breathing tube and/or an IV. Our office is uniquely equipped to safely provide general anesthesia for most patients, however if hospital resources are needed due to a patient’s medical conditions, cases are also regularly performed in that setting.
Anesthesia can be started via a mask or IV access depending on a patient’s medical conditions
Once asleep, a tube is typically inserted through the nose or mouth to ensure that breathing remains clear and uninterrupted
It is possible to have a sore throat or a slight nosebleed following the procedure due to the breathing tube, however any discomfort typically resolves within a day or two.
You will need a driver to transport you home and ensure that you remain comfortable as the medications finish leaving your system
You will have no recollection of the procedure
Allow us to be your new dental home! Serving Hixson, Red Bank, Soddy Daisy, & the Greater Chattanooga, Tennessee Area